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Policy and Procedure Management Organizes Healthcare

Have you ever placed a pan to simmer on the back burner, then minutes later found yourself cleaning up a boiled-over mess? When I watch cooking shows, it is remarkable how frequently the professional chefs end up overlooking something integral to their meal. As the time ticks away, they scramble to recoup the time lost, struggle to reconstruct what they had mistakenly neglected. Sure, the meal may sometimes turn out fine, but the amount of work to get it there ended up doubling or tripling simply because they were not prepared.

What in your workplace has been pushed to the back burner, yet is about to boil over? Maybe a staffing issue, on-going training is behind, or perhaps some inefficiency has crept up. Of course we deal with a certain topic that almost always gets pushed to the bottom: policy and procedure management. The irony is how many organizations readily admit their processes are sub-par for searching, tracking, archiving, and approving policy/procedure documents, yet so many opt to forgo addressing it until they get cited by a survey or audit. The backburner boils over; they have a mess that administration wants cleaned up immediately.

Preventing a mess is easy and the recipe for success is not difficult or lengthy. We exist to help the healthcare industry avoid headaches with policy and procedure management software. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to taste and see a demo.

With all these food analogies, you might be getting hungry. Some things are made for the back burner, and this Ratatouille Recipe certainly was. Bon Appetit!

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